
Inspiring words from some of the families we’ve supported

“A friend of mine recommended Rest Assured as they provide remote coaching support via Zoom which is great as I live in central London. Cherry gave us some really straight forward advice in simple terms so it was easy to execute. I'm thrilled to say that Isla slept in her own bed (and has done ever since) after having two zoom sessions with her!

— Nicola

For even more reviews, head here to read our what our clients say about us on Google.


Iris (5 months)

“Great personalised service to get our baby into a daytime routine that worked for us, and train her to sleep properly at night.”


Robyn (15 months)

“For the first time in 16 months we have a baby that sleeps through the night thanks to Rest Assured Sleep Coaching.

Our daughter wouldn't settle without a bottle in the night and within a couple of days of starting the plan Cherry created for us, she was sleeping through. It's been over a week now of uninterrupted nights and I genuinely cannot believe how quickly everything has changed! I don't know why I waited so long to get in touch!

I cannot recommend Cherry enough. We found her to be an absolute professional who took the time to really understand us as a family and how we had reached the position we were in and tailored a solution to suit us.”


Orla (12 months)

“We approached Elen shortly after our daughter turned one, having decided that after 12 months of sleep deprivation we needed some help. I felt as though I had read every book and resource available about baby sleep and yet I was overwhelmed by all the conflicting information and didn't know how to apply it to our situation. Elen explained the basics in a very succinct and straightforward manner and worked with me to create a gentle plan which I felt we could follow. Most importantly of all Elen guided and supported us through the process. I could tell the first time we spoke how kind, empathetic and non-judgemental she is, and just knowing she was available on the end of the phone was so reassuring. To my complete astonishment we went from a baby who woke every 20 minutes unless held (hence we were contact napping and co sleeping) to a baby sleeping independently in her cot for naps and through the night, within a week. It has completely transformed all of our lives. We would highly recommend Elen and Rest Assured Sleep Coaching to anyone.”


Ethan (6 months)

“We contacted Rest Assured after a recommendation from one of our friends. Our 6 month old had decided that he'd keep up the 4-month sleep regression so weeks of multiple night wakings and crying for much of the evening were taking their toll. Within a week of talking to Cheryl via video call and putting her plan into action, things had massively improved.

Ethan is now able to settle himself to sleep and sleeping for most of the night. We have our evenings back and are now getting some decent sleep, making lockdown with a baby and a toddler far more bearable. The fact that Cheryl has young children of her own meant that she understood the problems we were facing and was very supportive during the tricky times when he wouldn't settle. She was also available to answer questions when we needed her during the process. We would highly recommend Rest Assured to anyone who is needing help with sleep issues.”


Dylan (2 years old)

“I had a toddler who woke multiple times every night. It was exhausting for both me and him! Elen provided some realistic recommendations that I felt would fit in with my lifestyle. Her approach was just right - empathetic, non-judgemental and supportive. I was amazed at just how quickly we experienced positive change. Within a week my little boy was sleeping through the night. I can’t recommended Elen enough. Her knowledge and patience was endless (I’m a need to know kind of person so there were a lot of questions). I’d only wished I’d contacted her sooner!!”


Louis (4 weeks)

“Would highly recommend Elen and the advice she has given me for my son Louis.  She gave me great tips on how to comfort him and settle him down to sleep; he seems a lot happier now when he goes down and is sleeping for longer periods through the night even though he is only 4 weeks old. Elen was on hand whenever I needed help or advice and would highly recommend. Thank you - thrilled to be getting more sleep!”

Within 3 nights she was sleeping through again and in 10 nights we were able to leave her room and let her fall asleep by herself! Cherry has now given us the tools to be able to handle further sleep hiccups and we will be forever grateful!
— Karry

Claudia & Brian: Prenatal Support

“We gained so much knowledge from this 1 hour sleep advice session. Unlike the NCT course, we felt it gave us tips for when the baby was here regarding the baby’s sleep patterns and how to manage these. When linked to the science, it all made sense! The sleep association tips we found extremely useful and felt they would be easy to implement. Lots of opportunities to ask questions regarding products to use and baby sleep habits. The EASY strategy was clearly explained on how to mange the day and create a bit of a routine of what you actually do when the baby arrives in those first weeks! We just wanted to say Thank You for thinking of us and offering us these sleep strategies- we’re sure it will make such a difference!”


Freddie (2 years), Phoebe & Livvy (4 months)

“I spoke to Rest Assured about routine and bedtimes with my little boy, she helped me establish a gentle bedtime routine and bedtime. I have also gone back for help with my twin girls.

I’d always been reluctant to speak to a sleep consultant as thought it would be like Gina Ford.

Cherry was kind, caring, understanding and completely non judgemental. Couldn’t recommend her highly enough.”


Oliver (5 months)

“In the depths of the four month sleep regression, when I was losing my mind from waking every 2 hours, the advice from Rest Assured saved my sanity!

It wasn't an overnight fix, but I was given a plan to move my son away from the dummy to a comforter; a comforter that is now his best friend and constant sleep cue.

Having a long term solution has been absolute god send. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


Louisa & April: Prenatal Support

“Cheryl was very knowledgeable, warm and engaging. She explained the content very well and made it very accessible to us. The workshop was very informative and interesting, we really enjoyed finding out about the sleep cycle of a baby and the stages of sleep, as well as how this differs from adult sleep stages. Thank you so much for all the advice and support, it’s very greatly appreciated!!”


Ava (2 years old)

“Whilst renovating our home, we lived in three different houses over a four month period.

During the process I co-slept with my toddler in order to cut down her night wakings and early rising (between 4:30 and 5am). When returning to our house, my husband and I were very keen to get our little girl back in her own room and bed.

I turned to Rest Assured for some advice and she was able to suggest a number of strategies we could put into place, taking into account our daughter's temperament and level of understanding. That evening we introduced the new strategies and immediately succeeded, with our daughter staying in her own bed all night and calling for us at 6am. We are so incredibly grateful for their advice and support, we cannot thank them enough.”

Harlow (2 years old)

“Nap times are now perfect and he’s ready for bed by 7! He is self-soothing in bed because he’s not overtired and he doesn’t fight sleep. We have already noticed a massive difference so thank you so much.”

“Sleep training may not be for everyone, and it comes at a cost, but if, like me, you feel utterly exhausted and sleep-deprived, this will give you back your LIFE. And that is worth every penny. Rest Assured has certainly given me precious time back, given me my sleep back, and made my baby happier, well rested, and more relaxed, eating, playing, and developing well.”

— Kulsum

Vicky & Luke- Prenatal

“Cheryl was really knowledgeable and created a relaxed environment. The level of detail of the science and the tips, as well as the number of tips, was just right for the hour session and we really liked being able to ask questions and general conversations around certain topics. A really enjoyable and informative session!”

Max (7 months)

“I spoke to Cherry about my 7 month old who is waking every 2/3 hours at night. In the past I have been reluctant to speak to a sleep consultant because of concern that their approach would not be gentle enough. I have been really impressed with how kind and knowledgeable Cherry is. I have felt listened to and supported. Thank you Cherry!”

Luca (4 months)

“Reached out as had a few questions about my 4 month old’s sleep patterns and techniques to help settle him. As he is my first, I really appreciate the useful advice and pleased as we have tried a few things like layering a comforter in between me and him, gradually reducing the rocking and playing pink noise. Thank you so much for the invaluable advice and giving me the reassurance that I can’t spoil him with comfort and that this stage is totally normal for him. Now we are on holiday and he has a travel cot to sleep in - I have been able to transfer some of these techniques when he didn’t take to the travel cot - thank you again!”

Isla (7 years old)

We turned to Cherry to help with my Partners 7 year old daughter who comes to stay with us every other weekend. At her own house Isla sleeps with her mum every night and so she found it difficult to adjust to sleeping in her own bed at our house. She couldn't settle and would often end up sleeping in our bed which meant broken sleep all round. It was a difficult situation as whatever progress we'd make would be un-done in the 2 weeks she was back at home. A friend of mine recommended Rest Assured as they provide remote coaching support via Zoom which is great as I live in central London. Cherry gave us some really straight forward advice in simple terms so it was easy to execute. I'm thrilled to say that Isla slept in her own bed (and has done ever since) after having her for 2 Zoom sessions. It's so brilliant that we've tackled this problem as now Isla knows that she can sleep in her own bed which I think has helped her to grow in confidence. We highly recommend Rest Assured- Thank you Cherry :-)

Ebrahim (7 months)

“To any parents struggling with baby’s sleep, I really recommend Rest Assured. Although I spoke with them initially when my baby was 5 months old, I put off sleep training until 7.5 months old, due to a variety of reasons, including thinking baby would grow out of unpredictable habits. (Not true!) I really wish I hadn’t, as it would have given me back hours of rest. My consultant, Cheryl, is the co-founder of Rest Assured Sleep Coaching. We tracked baby’s patterns and she made me a program and supported me for two weeks after. In less than 3 days, my baby’s sleeps were totally transformed- from 3-4 wake ups to sleeping through the night, and from short, unpredictable and frequent naps, to fewer but longer solid regular day naps at the same time every day. Cheryl was also available to me on WhatsApp and phone whenever I needed help, had questions, or simply felt overwhelmed during the training process. She was so empathetic and kind and encouraging, and made me learn so much about the power of parenting. I was somewhat averse to letting baby cry it out and Cheryl isn’t of that school of thought either, so she and I worked on a gentle but firm way to get my baby into a routine, and it’s truly truly amazing the outcome. Solid 1.5 hour naps, sleeping through the night for 11+ hours, it’s unbelievable. It’s been transformative for both of us, and I cannot recommend them enough! Sleep training may not be for everyone, and it comes at a cost, but if, like me, you feel utterly exhausted and sleep-deprived, this will give you back your LIFE. And that is worth every penny. Rest Assured has certainly given me precious time back, given me my sleep back, and made my baby happier, well rested, and more relaxed, eating, playing, and developing well.”

Buru (6 years old)

“Cherry is excellent. We were not sure she could help us as our son is older at nearly 7 but her plan worked really well and she was always on hand to answer our questions and give advice.”

Penny (21 months)

“I approached Cherry as my husband and I were fed up of sleepless nights with our 21 month old. She was taking up to 45 minutes to fall asleep for both naps and bedtime and I was starting to dread putting her to bed. This was coupled with multiple wakes a night and sometimes up for 2 hours!

Cherry analysed our sleep situation and came up with a sleep plan which would gently teach our daughter to put herself to sleep. This was important to us as we knew how stubborn our toddler could be. Within 3 nights she was sleeping through again and in 10 nights we were able to leave her room and let her fall asleep by herself! Cherry has now given us the tools to be able to handle further sleep hiccups and we will be forever grateful! Thank you so much!”

William (11 weeks)

We recently had Cherry consult us on our cluster feeding frenzied 11 week old baby boy who was up hourly at night time feeding. We were desperate for some sleep! After an initial call and then logging his sleep for 3 nights, Cherry then gave lots of tips and suggestions on a zoom call. We tried her methods, knowing that the results could take months to achieve, but now less than a month of trying and he’s been sleeping for longer stretches at night time and he’s been having successful day time naps in his crib! What a game changer! Thank you so much Cherry at Rest Assured! Highly recommend to any sleep deprived parents looking for some help and guidance.

Robyn (2) & Ellis (4)- POWER HOUR

Really professional, quality consultation throughout. Couldn't recommend highly enough. Life changing advice. Supported me with my daughter at 16 months and 35 months. Both times I've kicked myself for waiting as long as I did to reach out!

“I turned to Rest Assured for some advice and they were able to suggest a number of strategies we could put into place, taking into account our daughter's temperament and level of understanding. That evening we introduced the new strategies and immediately succeeded, with our daughter staying in her own bed all night and calling for us at 6am. We are so incredibly grateful for their advice and support, we cannot thank them enough.”

- Ahlam

Jack (3) & Thomas (6)

“Elen is a truly brilliant sleep consultant. I have 2 boys and have used a few over the years - Elen really stands out! She is knowledgeable and credible, backing up her suggestions with science and substance. At the same time she is warm and empathetic. One of the things I valued most in Elen (beyond the successful outcome!) was that she has such perfect and balanced style. She has a style and level of emotional intelligence that means she knows exactly how to support: what to say and how to say it. On top of that she was able to help me with both my boys, who were each dealing with different challenges. Thank you!”

William (21 months)

“We can’t thank Cherry enough for helping us train our 21 month old to be able to return to sleeping through the night and have a nap in his cot. At 19 months, we were faced with a sleep regression, William suddenly woke up multiple times throughout the night, wouldn’t go to sleep in the evening, resisted naps and as a consequence we started some bad habits, where we brought him into bed with us.

We were set a detailed plan, which although was very tough to implement we had him sleeping through the night within three nights and within 7 nights we were able to walk out of his room straight away and he’d be asleep within minutes. Our naps have returned and I am very grateful! Cherry was always at the end of a what’s app message to offer guidance. Our angel little boy has returned, as a consequence the temporary tantrums have stopped and he’s become a better eater too, which is a bonus! We have learnt routine is key! Can’t recommend rest assured enough and wish we hadn’t waited 2 months to get in contact.”

Rosie (3)

“Cherry has been a complete lifesaver; my 3.5 year old has never been a good sleeper but it was getting to the point where I would go to bed expecting to be up 3 or 4 times through the night and have to spend at least half an hour getting her to bed. Thankfully a friend recommended Cherry and she has transformed our evenings and nights. She instantly understood who my daughter is and tailored her approach to suit her as an individual. We now put her in bed and walk out the door, we have our evenings back, and go to bed ourselves actually expecting to sleep! I would highly recommend Cherry to anyone who is having difficulties with their kids sleep, I just wish I had found her sooner!”

Myla (10 Months)

“Our sleep coach Cherry was really understandable throughout the whole journey & was approachable at all times for any queries and concerns we had. We loved how it was tailor made for our personal circumstances and our daughters sleep/feeding patterns.

We saw a change in our daughter within a matter of days and getting a routine in place really helped her to know when she was due to sleep. We have gone from waking up 10 times a night to an almost uninterrupted sleep. She does still sometimes have the odd cry in the middle of the night, though is now able to soothe herself back to sleep. Getting a full nights sleep has really improved our quality of life as we no longer need to rely on coffee to get us through the day!

Would highly recommend Rest Assured to anyone considering sleep coaching.”

Callum (10 Months)

“From the outset I felt comfortable with Cherry, discussing my sons regular night wakings and feeding or rocking to sleep associations that were now hindering us all from getting a good night sleep. I knew that I wanted help getting him to sleep longer at night, being 10 months old and on full meals in the day he did not need to be fed at night time. Following Cherry’s step by step plan we have managed to get him weaned off the sleep associations which involved us and enjoying positive independent ones which help him settle on his own. He now sleeps a full night and is tired and goes down well at nap times. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without Cherry’s support and advice in certain situations. I would 100% recommend her and her services for anyone who finds themselves in the same situation as we were!”

“Getting a full nights sleep has really improved our quality of life as we no longer need to rely on coffee to get us through the day!”

— Sarah