
Success Story: From frequent night wakings, short naps & sleep associations to long naps and sleeping through the night!
Newborns, Babies, Toddlers, Children, Case studies Cheryl Russell Newborns, Babies, Toddlers, Children, Case studies Cheryl Russell

Success Story: From frequent night wakings, short naps & sleep associations to long naps and sleeping through the night!

At 10 months old, Callum’s parents were struggling with inconsistent naps, multiple night wakings and weaning him off rocking or feeding to sleep for both day and night sleep. With support from RestAssured and in under 2 weeks, Callum now sleeps through the night, has consistent, restorative naps and the whole family is much happier….and more rested!

“Being a first time mum I didn't know how to help Callum and was worried about him being upset. Knowing that I could help change his sleep without causing him distress was the best for our family. We all sleep so much better now and can fully enjoy his awake times!”

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Is it Time to Ditch the Dummy?
Newborns, Babies, Toddlers, Children, Case studies Cheryl Russell Newborns, Babies, Toddlers, Children, Case studies Cheryl Russell

Is it Time to Ditch the Dummy?

In a dummy dilemma? Not sure what to do? Ditching the Dummy. A very personal decision and one that you absolutely should only make when YOU are ready. Many people will tell you that a dummy is bad for all sorts of reasons, however, in my mind and that of many other professionals, they definitely have their place especially with newborns up to around 4-6 months.

However, past this point, if your baby NEEDS the dummy to get back to sleep and you find yourself doing (what feels like) 150 dummy runs a night to replace it – then the dummy may have become a sleep crutch.

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