Lockdown Sleep
We all know how important sleep is but many of us are finding it a challenge during these unpredictable times. More than ever, parents are contacting us with stories of children resisting bedtime and waking more in the night. As if this isn’t tiring enough for us adults, we also seem to be encountering our own issues - lying there for hours with our minds racing, unable to wind down after the day, waking early feeling exhausted - all trying to get our heads around the uncertainty that many of us are feeling.
With this in mind, here at Rest Assured Sleep Coaching we have put together some top tips to help you and your family sleep better during lockdown:
This is the most important factor for protecting both children and adult’s sleep. Our daily routine is likely to have been disrupted in many ways from day care and schools closing to working from home or being furloughed. It is so tempting to have a lie in or become relaxed about when we and our children go to bed. However, sticking to our pre-lockdown sleep schedule is vital to maintain consistent sleep. As much as possible, you need to anchor your awake and sleep times each day. This alongside a gentle wind down routine will lead to an improved ability to not only fall asleep but stay asleep for longer.
It is important to get as much daylight as possible when you are awake. Take advantage of your daily exercise time to go for that walk, run, skip or hop outside and take your kids with you. Our bodies need exposure to daylight to release melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep/wake pattern. So, whatever space or environment you are in, throw those curtains open as soon as you wake up and get your face in the sun!
During lockdown it is much more challenging for us to be active but remember doing even something small is hugely beneficial. The more active we are, the more tired we will all be when it comes to bedtime. Being active outside is best, but if this is not possible get creative with the space that you have. Whether that’s doing an online fitness class (there are so many on social media now), creating an obstacle course in your living room or linking education and exercise by reciting times tables whilst star jumping. You should keep moving as much as possible and tire the whole family out.
Limit screen time
Possibly the most challenging for children and adults alike is limiting screen time, but it is crucial. Blue light emitted from phones, TVs and tablets can actively delay the release of that sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and increase our alertness by re-setting our body clock. This is not good news just before we head to bed whatever our age. We suggest leaving a clear hour between any screen time and going to bed. This gives the body and mind time to wind down and enter into a state of preparedness for sleep. Instead of TV, you could try colouring, doing a puzzle, having a warm bath or reading a good book.
Limit your news intake
Listening to the news all day long at the moment can really increase our anxiety and stress levels. Our children are also extremely perceptive and although you may not think it they are picking up snippets of news left, right and centre. This means increased anxiety and stress levels in them as well as us. Although it is tough as we all want to remain informed, it’s a good idea to limit how much you listen to the news. You could try looking at the morning headlines, having a quick check in at lunch and finishing with a final update early in the evening. In the interim, why not dance around your kitchen to music (is that just me?), listen to a podcast or try an audio book instead to see whether this decreases how anxious you and your children feel.
Good quality sleep encourages good immunity function (vital at the moment), helps to shield us against stress and anxiety and boosts our mood and energy levels. For more information on helping your child get a good night’s sleep or for help with any infant sleep issue, get in touch with us on Instagram or via our contact form.
Featured on Eagle Radio (now Greatest Hits Radio).